About Paint Mate Robotics AB

Robot PM-1
Robotics AB has it´s origin in Atlas Copco Finishing AB that in the beginning of the 90´s decided to leave the surface treatment business.
In the Paint Mate Group we have over 20 years of experience of automated surface treatment now with the emphasis on Paint Mate PM-1 robots.
The PM-1 robot is easy to handle and fast to program.
We can deliver complete systems with robots , finishing equipment and spray booth. Our head office is located 80 km south of Stockholm – Sweden.
The system consists of a manipulator (robot arm) , a control system and a hydraulic unit. The PM-1 robot may fast and easily be programmed using many methods.
- The system is easy to use – no qualified staff is needed.
- The robot has a big working envelope and may paint big as well as small objects.
- The PM-1 robot may be taught in many different ways e.g. Lead Through, Point To Point Teach, Point To Point and Off Line. The methods may be mixed to get the optimum of fast programming and low colour waste.
- The robot is easy to move when programming Lead Through or Point To Point Teach two fast programming methods. The main axes are totally balanced.
- The Paint Mate PM-1 robot may carry tools up to 10 kg which makes it suitable in other tasks for example grinding.
- The system is totally built on modules – you pay for what you need and may update the system in the future.
- The PM-1 robot may be equipped with 3 to 8 axes (Degrees Of Freedom DOF)
- Diagnostic may be utilised via Internet – a fast way to identify possible malfunctions. Qualified service staff guarantee safe production.
- In the Paint Mate Group we have over 20 years of experience of surface treatment and robotics.